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Saturday January 24, 2009 at 12:00 pm

Once again we find news stories posted on the pennlive forum but not reported by the Patriot News, any questions as to why newspapers are losing readership.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>rnrn 5493. MORE CRIMES IN MIDTOWN !!!!rnby FasterEddie, 1/23/09 16:50 ETrnMORE CRIMES IN MIDTOWN by FasterEddie, 1/23/09 16:47 ETrnLISTEN EVERYBODY !--- Last night, one of the houses being rehabbed on the 300 block of Herr St. was vandalized again. A (new) picture window was smashed by a group of people out there around 1-2 a.m. --this window was just installed to replace one smashed by the same or similar group of rowdy loud types a couple of weeks before......and the same property was burglarized some time back....Media doesn't report this; cops don't do anything; Mayor Reed keeps lid on to help hype all the development going on there! This is a few doors from the highly-touted "Arts Center"...if people knew what was happening in that area, they will avoid it, keep their money, go someplace the compliant-toady media, the cops, the pols --all keep it hush-hush.Get the word out! They have to do something to stop this stuff.....groups prowling the midtown streets after midnight, making noise, destroying property and committing (un-investigated, and therefore unprosecuted) CRIMES!rnr

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