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Saturday January 03, 2009 at 12:00 pm

Just reported by Jersey Mike >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>rnI got the text message at around noon today.rnIt was just before break at work. And it wasn?t quick.rnrnIt took three whole messages to get the words through.rnrnMost likely, it was a group text because that?s usually how the news is delivered.rnrnOne person hears and then just *must* tell everyone they know.rnrnAnd it?s often bad news that spreads the fastest.rnrnAfter just under a year, Harrisburg?s most promising little dive bar is closing it?s doors.rnrnTara Station isn?t the kind of place I?d go for a classy night of expensive drinks.rnrnTara Station isn?t the kind of joint I?d take my Mom. (Or even my sister, for that matter)rnrnNo, Tara Station- nestled snug behind the Amtrak Station on Fourth Street was a smoky bar with a great jukebox, an even better Barkeep named Stewie and a room full of people you either knew, wanted to know, or, at minimum, didn?t mind sitting next to while kicking back a few cold ones.rnrnIs it a sign of the times?rnrnI?m hearing about it more and more each day- bars are stopping music, scaling back on staff, making cuts to make ends meet or, in Tara?s case, closing their doors altogether.rnrnMaybe if Tara Station had it?s necessary two-years under it?s belt when this whole economic shitstorm began it would have been better able to weather the storm.rnrnBut at barely a year old and still fine-tuning the works, Tara wasn?t able to keep it going.rnrnThe official closing night is tonight- Saturday the 3rd.rnrnAnd I?m sure the whole gang?s gonna be there. rnrnShare and Enjoy:rn rnPosted in: Uncategorized.rnTagged: tara station harrisburg closingrnrn←

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