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Thursday July 12, 2012 at 12:00 pm

On? January? 19,? 1999,? Curley? wrote? to? Spanier? and? Schultz? to? report? on? a? meeting? rnwith? Sandusky. Curley? told? them? that? Sandusky? ?is? interested? in? going? one? more? year? rnand?then?transition?into?a?spot?that?handles?our?outreach?program.? Curley?noted?as?a? rnpostscript? that? ?[Sandusky]? is? not? pleased? about? the? entire? situation? as? you? might? rnexpect.?? rnSeveral? notes? and? documents? provided? by? Paterno?s? attorney? to? the? Special? rnInvestigative? Counsel? pertain? to? Sandusky?s? retirement. 199 ?? One? page? of? these? notes,? rnwhich? appear? to? be? in? Paterno?s? handwriting,? relate? a? conversation,? or? planned? rnconversation,? between? Paterno? and? Sandusky? concerning? Sandusky?s? coaching? future.? rnThe?notes?state:? rn____________________________________________________We? know? this? isn?t? easy? for? you? and? it? isn?t? easy? for? us? or? Penn? State.? ? Part? of? the? rnreason? it? isn?t? easy? is? because? I? allowed? and? at? times? tried? to? help? you? with? your? rndeveloping? the? 2nd? Mile.? ? If? there? were? no? 2nd? Mile? then? I? believe? you? belief? [sic]? rnthat? you? probably? could? be? the? next? Penn? State? FB? Coach.? ? But? you? wanted? the? rnbest? of? two? worlds? and? I? probably? should? have? sat? down? with? you? six? or? seven? rnyears? ago? and? said? look? Jerry? if? you? want? to? be? the? Head? Coach? at? Penn? State,? rngive? up? your? association? with? the? 2nd? Mile? and? concentrate? on? nothing? but? your? rnfamily? and? Penn? State.? ? Don?t? worry? about? the? 2nd? Mile? ?? you? don?t? have? the? rnluxury?of?doing?both.??One?will?always?demand?a?decision?of?preference.??You?are? rntoo?deeply?involved?in?both. Tags: sandusky, freeh, psu football Photo/Natalie Caker

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