Archive Video - Secret sale of the incinerator?

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Archive Video: 11.14.7

If you weren't sitting in courtroom 2 of the Ronald Regan courthouse in Harrisburg last Wednesday, Thursday and Friday January 4th, 5th, and 6th 2012 then you wouldn't know that Andy Giorgione, Dan Lispi and Mayor Steve Reed were secretly trying to sell/lease the Harrisburg incinerator to Barlow for the "pie in the sky" amount of $260,000,000.

This archive video provide clues to the proposed sale/lease as THA board member Eric Papenfuse questions why financial advisor Bruce Barnes of Milt Lopes Associates upon learning that he his services will be terminated by the newly seated board submitted a $27K invoice for research preformed during 2005 for the proposed sale/lease of the incinerator.

Key witness Dan Morash employed by CIT in 2005/2006 testified to the possibility of a incinerator sale/lease. THA Board members Chairman James Ellison , Eric Papenfuse and Erica Bryce vote to approve the termination of the existing contract between THA and Milt Lopus Associates.

Eric Papenfuse questions the invoice of $27,000 submitted by Bruce Barnes, of Milt Lopus Associates, for studying the option of selling the Harrisburg Resource Recovery Plant in September 2005.

Tags: Andrew Giorgione, Bruce Barnes, CIT, Dan Lispi, Fred Clark, Glenda Keller, Mayor Steve Reed, Randy King, THA